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About Us...
About Us...

Andalusia Bible Church is a non-denominational, word-of-faith ministry based in Andalusia, Alabama. Timothy L. Morgan, pastor and founder, received the vision from God for A.B.C. while a pastor at a denominational church. Pastor Tim's vision was a church that would teach the Gospel with simplicity and integrity; welcome people with love, grace, and brotherly kindness; and turn no person away who desired to know Jesus. In April 1997, Andalusia Bible Church held its first official worship service in the old Pioneer Telephone Building in Andalusia, Alabama. Twenty people were in attendance. Over the past fifteen years, A.B.C. has grown in membership and in the Spirit. A.B.C. is growing rapidly and believing for prosperity in every area of ministry.
Statement of Beliefs
......Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He was crucified, died and buried. On the third day He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, where He remains at the right hand of God Almighty.
.......after death, eternal life begins either in heaven or hell. Where you spend eternity is based on your decision to live according to God's Word-The Bible-or to rebel against it.
.......when the Rapture occurs, the dead in Christ will rise first, and those who are alive and remain will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air.
......the Bible was written and inspired by God.
.......faith is acting on the Word of God.
......in water baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in Jesus and the authority in His name.
......in the indwelling of, and baptism in, the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
......in divine healing-the restoration of health to those who believe and act on the truths written in God's Word. We further believe that Jesus is our healer, and that by His Stripes we are already healed.
......tithes and offerings should be freely given to your local church. The local church is the place of membership where God has called you to receive His word on a consistent basis and grow spiritually.
......in giving alms to the poor, sick, homeless, and others in despair.